Managing Menopause: A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being

(Reading time: 3 minutes) Navigating menopause requires a comprehensive approach to health and well-being. As women undergo this transition, managing changes in metabolism and weight gain becomes crucial. By adopting a balanced diet that includes fiber-rich foods, healthy fats from sources like olive oil and fish, and plant-based alternatives like tofu and phytoestrogen-rich foods, women can support their hormonal balance and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer. Incorporating low-impact exercises such as swimming, Nordic walking, and jogging can further enhance muscle strength, cardiovascular health, and bone density. Through these strategies, women can navigate menopause with confidence, promoting optimal health and vitality for the years ahead.

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At a certain age, you gain weight just by looking at food – this is a humorous opinion shared by many women, and there is some truth to it because metabolism slows down after forty, making it harder to maintain the same figure when you eat as much as before and don’t exercise. Overweight and obesity after menopause are nothing but trouble. With increased weight, the risk of heart problems, diabetes, and cancer also increases. That’s why you need to lose weight, but wisely.

Diet for women with menopause

Overweight individuals more often than slim ones suffer from uterine and ovarian cancers, breast cancer, gall bladder, and colon cancer. However, a varied diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in vitamins A and C, reduces this risk. Scientists claim that with the right diet and weight maintenance, you can prevent 40% of cancer cases.

Forget about store-bought sweets

They’re just sugar and fat. However, you can’t deprive yourself of everything, so instead of buying candy bars and cookies, make desserts at home. Self-prepared cake or chia pudding may contain less sugar and zero unhealthy fat.

More fiber

If you eat a lot of fiber every day, you’ll not only lose weight but also eliminate constipation, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer.

Less but more often

By eating five small meals a day, your body will digest much easier and won’t crave snacks. It’s important that meals are highly nutritious but low in calories.

No more animal fats

Use only vegetable oils in your dishes. Olive oil, rapeseed oil, and nuts help you lose weight and take care of your heart. Just use them in moderation.

Fish will save you

It’s the only healthy version of animal fat. Try to eat fish every day.

Tofu instead of meat

This protein product is made from soy, which contains natural plant estrogens. It’s good to include it in your diet a few times a month, replacing meat portions with it.

This will help you

Opt for plant phytoestrogens. Beans, peas and their products, as well as flaxseed and flaxseed oil, improve well-being after menopause and facilitate weight loss.

Personalized exercises

They shouldn’t be too intense or invasive. After menopause, bones weaken, leading to osteoporosis. Therefore, be careful not to overtrain.


If you feel like a fish in water in the pool, get a pass. Swimming shapes muscles and improves your figure.

Nordic walking

It doesn’t strain the body too much, yet it engages all the muscles. Jogging lowers cholesterol and gives you a big boost of energy. By becoming a regular runner, you gain enthusiasm, optimism, and self-confidence.

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